Whether you’ve been dating for a few months or a few years, no relationship can progress or flourish without romance. No matter what stage you’re in, romantic feelings are what keep the passion alive, your bond strong, and your partnership growing.
As time goes on, however, it’s common for feelings of romance to stagnate or even dwindle. The two of you may find yourselves falling into a rhythm, whether it’s heading to your favorite restaurant on Friday nights or starting every Sunday with breakfast in bed before taking a stroll around the neighborhood. While carving out time to spend together is essential for any union to flourish, when it becomes routine, the predictability can take the spontaneity and excitement out of your relationship. Or perhaps your romantic feelings toward your partner are steady or fading because you aren’t prioritizing quality time or shared experiences at all, whether it’s due to conflicting schedules or poor planning.
Luckily, there are plenty of ways to turn up the romance in your relationship. To nurture your connection and strengthen your bond, we’ve rounded up the most romantic things to do with your partner. You’ll find that many of these activities involve minimal planning, easy execution, and little to no cost, such as writing out your bucket list or creating a playlist. Others on the list are more elaborate and splurge-worthy, requiring more consideration and preparation, like booking a weekend getaway. No matter how much time you have, where you are, or what your budget is, all of these ideas will keep the love burning.
Wondering how to rekindle the romance? Read on for 50 romantic things to do with your partner.