Author: adminIoksaja13548

So you want to learn how to make a relationship last? Keep reading, as I will show you everything you need to know. It takes more than love to make a relationship – you must be committed to it, understand it, and add more effort to make it work. According to the American Psychological Association, about 40-50% of marriages in the U.S. alone end in divorce. This shows that love alone can’t make a relationship work.The question is what does it take to make a relationship work? A relationship expert, Dr. John Gottman, said, ” Every successful relationship is not…

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Love, relationships and dating is an ongoing frustrating topic with both sexes!  The world today is a complicated place and many people are having a difficult time amidst all the turmoil. Finding love is not easy these days due to the ongoing demise of face-to-face contact. People are too busy or apathetic to take the time to get out and meet others organically. I even find myself spending too much time on my computer and having to force myself outside during the day. It is important to mingle with real people. It’s not all about work! Many of us have…

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International Women’s Day (March 8) is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. The theme this year focuses on the need to Accelerate Action emphasizing the importance of taking swift and decisive steps to achieve gender equality. It calls for increased momentum and urgency in addressing the systemic barriers and biases that women face, both in personal and professional spheres.That IWD falls during Women’s History Month is no coincidence. Women’s History Month is the time to highlight the contributions of women to events in history and contemporary society. The day is much more than…

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It was Christmas Day and my first Christmas alone, as a single mom. Well, on second thought, I guess I wasn’t alone. I had my 11-month old son with me, but he didn’t offer much in the way of conversation. It felt like the darkest of days. I remember going to bed the night before – dreading waking up to an empty apartment and what seemed like absolutely no hope. I felt completely forgotten, like no one cared. There was no money to buy Christmas gifts for loved ones and no family to spend the day with. There was no…

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A Prayer When You Are Faced with an Incurable Diagnosis Written by: Vivian Bricker, Read by: Lia GirardBible Reading: “I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say, ‘My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.’” – Isaiah 46:10Read or Listen Below:Recently, I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder. Sadly, there is no cure, and all I can do is take medicine to try to prevent the disease from growing worse. To say that these last few months have been a whirlwind is an understatement. Each day, I have…

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Many women struggle with husbands or boyfriends who are emotionally immature. The frustration of living with a partner who struggles to handle adult responsibilities or express emotions appropriately has become so prevalent that terms like ‘man child’ have arisen to help describe this phenomenon. The concept of the emotionally immature adult male is explained along with the origins of the behavior and codependent tendencies that keep your relationship stuck in an unhealthy place. Here are practical suggestions grounded in Gottman insights to help you foster a healthier connection.What Does It Mean to Be a “Man Child”?The term ‘man child’ refers…

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Growing up, my grandparents weren’t just relatives I visited for annual holiday get-togethers or family affairs—they cared for me every day after school until my parents could get home from work. My earliest memories weren’t spent in a preschool but at my Memo and Papa’s home. From gardening and cooking to cleaning, organizing, reading, singing in the car, or going to the library, they always made sure I was well-rounded. Even in high school, I frequented their home nearly every day. They weren’t just my Grandma and Grandpa, but my second mom and dad. As children, we don’t realize how quickly…

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“Why am I still single?”I remember asking God that exact question one night as I sat in my car after yet another fun-filled wedding—celebrating someone else’s love story while wondering when mine would begin. My eyes were filled with tears during the ceremony, and I want to say it was because I was so happy for my friends, but in all honesty, they were tears of despair. Despair that this may never happen for me, that the idea of getting married to someone I truly love is just a pipedream. That God has forgotten me.Unfortunately, this feeling is all too…

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Many men and women do not realize that they repeat, or allow, similar actions and unhealthy behaviour in their partnerships. The same results will continue until you take ownership of your part in these unfulfilling relationship decisions. Some people are addicted to drama. When things are going smoothly it makes them feel uncomfortable or bored. They learn to enjoy the ups and downs of a problematic relationship. One of the reasons for this is it becomes a familiar excitement that they gain an attachment to. It is a forbidden fruit that keeps luring them back for more! How can you…

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You’re in a committed relationship – maybe married or thinking about it. Maybe separated, reconciling or contemplating divorce. You’d like to do something, but you’re not sure where to invest your limited time, energy and money. And you really want it to make a difference! That’s all very understandable.  Allow me to make a pitch for attending an in person couples’ workshop, the Art and Science of Love, developed by Dr. John Gottman and Dr. Julie Gottman, as your very best investment. As an avid learner and studier of all things relationship, I can certainly appreciate the value of reading and…

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